September 30

Reading Logs

Two reading logs are coming home tonight.  One says “Home Reading Log” and the other is the BOOK IT! log.  The google form I sent out earlier in the month was split about 50/50 on doing the BOOK IT! program or not.  You DO NOT have to do the BOOK IT! reading log.  This is just a bonus.  The Home Reading Log needs to be returned to school at the end of each month.  Please send the September log back to school this week.

If you don’t know what the BOOK IT! program is about, see below!

Your child will be bringing home a Pizza Hut Book It calendar with a reading goal on it beginning October 1.  Each time your child reads they may mark it on their calendar.  At the end of the month please have them return their calendar to school and they will bring home a coupon attached to it for a FREE personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut.  This program runs from October thru March.  HAPPY READING!!!

November 30

Updates from Room 201

This class continues to amaze me at their hard work ethic and great choices.  They really make my job a fun place to be and something to look forward to each day.

We are in full swing in informational reading and writing.  The students are excited to learn about new things and read book that will teach them facts about people, animals, machines, etc.  You may hear some buzzing about it at home! 🙂

It looks like we will be having a social studies test on the economics of Michigan towards the end of next week.  Look for a study guide to come home.


We have a couple of classroom needs.  One, is plastic bags, like the grocery kind.  Students don’t like wearing their snow pants home at the end of the day.  The bags are nice for them to put their pants in instead of their backpacks because they are usually wet.


We also have a need for more snacks:  graham crackers or fish crackers will be perfect!

Book Log

Please send in the November Book It book log.  The students who turn it in completed with a parent signature will not only get a Pizza Hut free personal pan pizza but they earn one free time during one of our reading days.

Candy Canes

The 5th graders are selling candy canes again.  This money is used to help pay for 5th grade camp.  The sale will go from December 3 – 14 for $1.00.  Students order in the morning and will have the candy cane by the afternoon.